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Flyer or graphic for the event Spoiler Alyrt Variety Show

Spoiler Alyrt Variety Show
at Breezeway Pub

14 Pearl St, Manchester

Event Details


Event Inactive: Spoiler Alyrt Variety Show at Breezeway Pub is marked as inactive. This event was automatically deactivated at the beginning of the pandemic. If it has started again, let us know!

Regular no theme show with 6 tip spots open to any performer. Typically drag but also welcoming to theater, live singing, dance, and other artists. Hosted by Amber Alyrt with DJ Decate Wurst. 21 no cover.


Occurred on the fourth Sunday of the month


🔄 🌃 👑 

Actions and Links

Event added: 2019-12-24, updated: 2022-04-27
Spoiler Alyrt Variety Show event flyerFlyers for recurring events may not be up-to-date and may not reflect the current state of the event. See any linked official pages for up-to-date event imagery.

The Tea

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