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Venue Details


Unlisted Venue

This venue is unlisted. It exists in our system as an event-only venue for any events that are hosted there, but will not show up in local venue grids as it may not be an LGBTQ-centric space.

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A private social bar & cultural club in Charlotte's NoDa neighborhood.

Venue Classification

E Tier: An event-only venue; it is only in our system because event producers host or have hosted events here.

Added: 2024-05-11, last check-in: 2024-05-11

Current Events

Cosmos Drag Show

  Starts in 1 hours

Thursday,  to 

Cosmos Drag Show is a dazzling spectacle that takes place every Thursday at Starlight on 22nd. This fabulous event features some of the most talented drag performers, promising an evening filled with glamour, humor, and jaw-dropping performances. Whether you're a seasoned drag enthusiast or new to the scene, Cosmos Drag Show guarantees a night of entertainment like no other.

Join us at Starlight on 22nd for a journey into the cosmos of drag culture, where each performer shines like a star on stage. The cover starts at 7 pm, and show starts at 8:30 so be sure to arrive early to secure your spot and enjoy our drink specials. Tickets are available for $10 in advance or $15 at the door, so grab your friends and immerse yourself in the magic of Cosmos Drag Show!

The Tea

Tips, gossip, or anything that might be good to know about this place.

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