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Image of the venue: D.S. Tequila Co. Recommendations: ?

Venue Details



Venue Closed

D.S. Tequila Co. was reported to have closed in 2023.

D.S. Tequila is now closed after 14 years on North Halsted. They are seeking for new ownership for the property.

By day, a restaurant with tacos and burgers on the menu, as well as a variety of drinks made with their own brand of tequila. By night, becomes more of a bar feel, with a DJ on weekends. In recent years, has become a location with more lesbians than other Boystown establishments (although still mostly guys). Patio is open year-round, is covered and heated in the winter.

Venue Classification

B Tier: A venue that is confirmed to be LGBTQ+ inclusive by staff and patrons.



Added: Before 2019, updated: 2024-04-17, last check-in: 2023-10-25

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