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Image of the venue: Purr Recommendations: ?

Venue Details



Venue Closed

Purr was reported to have closed in 2019.

Opened in 2005, Purr used to be located in Capitol Hill until 2017, where they relocated to the Montlake district due to the new rent hikes that took place on the hill thanks to the Big Tech Boom. A full service bar and lounge with a full food menu and daily drink specials. The new menu, location, and website are all still under construction but open to the public.

Added: Before 2019, updated: 2022-10-09, last check-in: 2022-10-09

Area Map & Bar Hopping

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Map Placeholder
Party Parrot Loading Animation

The Tea

Tips, gossip, or anything that might be good to know about this place.

Party Parrot Loading Animation