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Image of the venue: WaterLOO Recommendations: ?

Venue Details



Venue Closed

WaterLOO was reported to have closed in 2020.

WaterLOO is a Gay Bar, or as we like to call it a "drinking room" and discotheque where all are welcomed to congregate and celebrate their own personal "Waterloos". Waterloo, offers a "living room" style environment, featuring the utmost in aggressive hospitality all executed in a warm, friendly, chic yet sexy and laid-back aesthetic. Waterloo provides a LGBTQ scene currently unrivaled in Miami offering a taste of the rainbow for all, ranging from the hottest DJs, top performers, random celebrity appearances, shirtless bartenders, nerdy drinking games, go-go boys, and colorful theme parties.

Added: 2019-05-10, updated: 2022-10-12, last check-in: 2022-09-15

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