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Flyer or graphic for the event Drag Bingo with Calcutta Recommendations: ?

Event Details


Event Inactive: Drag Bingo with Calcutta at Asheville Beauty Academy has its hosting venue marked as closed in 2024. This event was likely marked inactive as a result. If this event has moved, contact us or request a change using the "Event Options" dropdown below.

Join us every first and third Tuesday of each month for Drag Bingo & a show! Hosted by the amazingly beautiful inside and out Calcutta! Try out classic games and also some not so conventional games. Play for fun or play to win, the prizes are always topped with laughter.

No cover charge. $8 to play


Occurred on the first and third Tuesday of the month


🔄 🌃 👑 

Actions and Links

Official Page

Added: 2022-07-12
Drag Bingo with Calcutta event flyerFlyers for recurring events may not be up-to-date and may not reflect the current state of the event. See any linked official pages for up-to-date event imagery.

The Tea

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