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Flyer or graphic for the event BEAR-lesque

Event Details


Event Inactive: BEAR-lesque at Redline has its hosting venue marked as closed in 2024. This event was likely marked inactive as a result. If this event has moved, contact us or request a change using the "Event Options" dropdown below.

Beards, bears and burlesque. You are invited to strip down and join in the fun with free clothes check and striptease lessons, courtesy of co-hosts Miss Shu Mai and LaVieJoeM.


Occurred on the fourth Wednesday of the month


🔄 🌃 🐻 

Actions and Links

Event added: 2023-05-31, updated: 2024-05-17
BEAR-lesque event flyerFlyers for recurring events may not be up-to-date and may not reflect the current state of the event. See any linked official pages for up-to-date event imagery.

The Tea

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