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Flyer or graphic for the event SWEAT Recommendations: ?

Event Details


Event Inactive: SWEAT at Purgatory It may have ended permanently, stopped for the season, moved, or we may just not have current information about it. If this event is still happening, contact us or request a change using the "Event Options" dropdown below.

SWEAT is Purgatory's weekly leather and gear party!
Clothes check available.


Occurred on Thursdays


🔄 🌃 🕺 🐷 Leather 

Actions and Links

Official Page

Event added: 2023-06-22, updated: 2023-10-05
SWEAT event flyerFlyers for recurring events may not be up-to-date and may not reflect the current state of the event. See any linked official pages for up-to-date event imagery.

The Tea

Tips, gossip, or anything that might be good to know about this event.

Party Parrot Loading Animation