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Flyer or graphic for the event Showstoppers! A Tribute to Broadway and Beyond

Showstoppers! A Tribute to Broadway and Beyond

at Franky Bradley's

1320 Chancellor St, Philadelphia
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Event Details


Event Inactive: Showstoppers! A Tribute to Broadway and Beyond at Franky Bradley's was designated as a one-off event and has already happened. If this event is going to be happening again, or if it is a regularly-recurring monthly or weekly event, contact us or request a change using the "Event Options" dropdown below.

Showstoppers returns once more with feeling at its brand new home: B. West! Join us as we pay tribute to musicals from Broadway and beyond.
Do you have a favorite version of defying gravity? Have you perfected your bathroom mirror Lipsync to Memory? Do you have strong opinions about the most recent casting announcement for Sweeney Todd? Then this show is for you!
This month we'll have stunning performances from:
Quinn Possible
and current reigning Snatcherella 3000 Winner, Xiomara Villa
Tickets are $10 in Adv, $15 at the door.
Doors at 7, Show at 8

Cost: $10-$15




 🌃 👑 

Actions and Links

Tickets Facebook Event

Event added: 2023-12-29, updated: 2024-01-08
Showstoppers! A Tribute to Broadway and Beyond event flyer

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