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Flyer or graphic for the event Dining OUT For Life - Connecticut

Dining OUT For Life - Connecticut
at 168 York Street Cafe

168 York St, New Haven

Event Details


Event Inactive: Dining OUT For Life - Connecticut at 168 York Street Cafe was initially designated as a one-off event and has already happened. If this event is going to be happening again, or if it is actually a regularly-recurring monthly or weekly event, contact us or request a change using the "Event Options" dropdown below.

We are very excited to announce that 168 York Street Cafe will be participating in Dining Out For Life on Thursday, April 25th!

When you dine out at 168 York Street Cafe on 4/25, your bill goes directly toward supporting programs and services at APNH!

#diningoutforlife #dineoutforlife #dineoutgiveback #APNH
#newhaven #168yorkstreet #168yorkstreetcafe #newhavenrestaurants





Actions and Links

Official Page

Event added: 2024-03-15, updated: 2024-04-26
Dining OUT For Life - Connecticut event flyer

The Tea

Tips, gossip, or anything that might be good to know about this event.

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