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Flyer or graphic for the event Saturday Cabaret Burlesque

Saturday Cabaret Burlesque
at Phoenix

4213 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas

Event Details


Event Inactive: Saturday Cabaret Burlesque at Phoenix was automatically deactivated at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. If this event is still occurring, contact us or request a change using the "Event Options" dropdown below.

Saturday night's alright for stripping - especially when your line-up is this SEX-tacular! Join Bo Toxique (CA), D.D. Darlin', IllyRose, La Rosa Muerta, Penni Piper and Sweetie Bird for a night of teasing and pleasing! Hosted by your favorite foul-mouthed femcee Miss Miranda Glamour! Show starts at 11p.m. and there is never a cover! See you there!


Occurred on Saturdays


🔄 🌃 

Actions and Links

Event added: Before 2019, updated: 2021-08-10

The Tea

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