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Flyer or graphic for the event What You Missed On Glee: A Glee-themed Drag + Burlesque Show

What You Missed On Glee: A Glee-themed Drag + Burlesque Show

at Jacques Cabaret

79 Broadway St, Boston
 Recommendations: ?

Event Details


Event Inactive: What You Missed On Glee: A Glee-themed Drag + Burlesque Show at Jacques Cabaret was designated as a one-off event and has already happened. If this event is going to be happening again, or if it is a regularly-recurring monthly or weekly event, contact us or request a change using the "Event Options" dropdown below.

CALLING ALL GLEEKS! Come on down while we celebrate our cringey love/hate relationship with the show that gave us all gay confusion and a hate for all radio covers.

Hosted by WITJ E. Craft, this show will feature local drag and burlesque performers who will participate in an interview, as well as perform songs all based on Glee. There will be trivia, a raffle, vendors, and more- so DON'T MISS- what you missed on Glee!

Preorder tickets now to save $5!
Follow @BleedingHeartsProductions for more information.

Produced by Bleeding Hearts Productions.

Cost: $15-20




 🌞 👑 

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Added: 2024-08-17
What You Missed On Glee: A Glee-themed Drag + Burlesque Show event flyer

The Tea

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