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Flyer or graphic for the event Daddy O

Event Details


First Thursdays at ManRay; bring it on and take it off!!
DADDY O underwear party with Resident DJ BRIAN HALLIGAN and Guests

FREE Clothes Check (tips appreciated)

Event is 19+, $12 cover for over 21, $15 for under 21s

Some brief (pun intended) notes about Daddy O, in order to strike a balance between making the event a safe and welcoming space for all, and reducing the risk of any conflict with the relevant licensing boards as we understand current law.

Yes, jock straps are ok but as with any underwear, per current law, the front cannot be see through.

Public play that crosses into overt sexu@l activity will be discreetly addressed by our security staff, so please be mindful of it.

Consent is hot, so please be sure you get it when initiating contact and keep it in mind as your encounter progresses, with the understanding that either party has the right to disengage if they are no longer comfortable. This includes the use of photography, anyone in your photo should be a willing participant. If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable, please see any security or staff member for help. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.

As this is our first queer underwear event at the new ManRay, the interest level is high, so please be patient with us as we work out any potential kinks (again, pun intended) regarding clothes check. Patrons of other underwear and fetish nights know that practice and experience are the best teachers. Constructive feedback or opportunities for clarification from the community are always welcome.

Having said that, clothes check is free, but we encourage you to tip our lovely and efficient clothes check staff.

We are looking forward to seeing sexy bodies of all types Thursday, as befits the spirit and history of ManRay, and appreciate your cooperation in advance.

Cost: $12 - $15


Occurs on the fourth Thursday of the month
Next on


 🔄 🌃 🕺 🐷 

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Added: 2023-10-30, verified: 2025-02-20
Daddy O event flyerFlyers for recurring events may not be up-to-date and may not reflect the current state of the event. See any linked official pages for up-to-date event imagery.

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